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Somatic Experiencing 

Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside

in the absence of an empathetic witness.

- Peter Levine

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented modality that helps prevent or heal trauma and other stress disorders. Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, Ph.D., it is the result of the multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, with more than 45 years of successful application.

SE teaches clients about nervous system states and how to flow between states of activation and deactivation without getting stuck.  It helps us develop resources so that when life’s challenges inevitably present themselves, we are more prepared and skilled to handle them without lasting impacts to our systems.

 “Traumatic symptoms are not caused by the triggering event itself. They stem from the frozen residue of energy that has not been resolved and discharged; this residue remains trapped in the nervous system where it can wreak havoc on our bodies and spirits.” 

- Peter Levine

SE works with the body’s innate wisdom to release this trauma physiology and help us regain lost capacity, resilience and a fuller expression of ourselves. 


Learn more here.

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